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Farm Tour Fall 2023

Fall Farm Tour 2023 The weather was perfect, we enjoyed participating in the farm tour. One luck group withnessed the birth of a calf.

Whole Hog Workshop

We hosted a whole hog workshop in March. One of the participants was Tyler Shane, a food writer for Kansas City Magazine. In the article she shares with you what she experienced in the field at Five Mile Farms to the tast of an eyeball at Casa Somerset. Enjoy!

Will Harris on JRE#1893

In this episode of JRE Joe has a delightful converstion with Will Harris owner of White Oaks Pature in Bluffton Ga. White Oaks Pasture is a 6th generation regenerative farm. He explains how the systems work together to produce a nutient dense protein, natural living conditions for the animals and so much more.

Nutrition, Keto and 'Liquid Gold'

Everyone is different....different lives, different schedules, different goals and different body types. Because of that, we can't assume that someone else's nutrition plan is going to work for us. Here's one thing that fit for us and may for you as well.

1st Blog...We are Live!!!

The online store is up and running. We are thrilled to make it much easier for all of you. Many have asked questions about recipes, cooking methods and farming methods....so....we've decided to start blogging about the topics that are most often brought up. We'll do our best to help you and hope all of you will share your knowledge to help the FMF crew!